drg. Benso Sulijaya, Sp.Perio(K)., Ph.D.

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Dr. Benso is a clinician and teaching staff at the Department of Periodontology, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Indonesia (UI). He completed his bachelor’s degree (2008) and Dentistry Profession (2009-Cumlaude) from the UI. In 2014, he completed his periodontics specialist education with the title of the best Cum Laude graduate from the UI. Dr. Benso then attended the Summer-School program for Clinical Periodontology and Implantology at Heidelberg University, Germany in 2016 with a scholarship from the Germany Society of Periodontology. Then in 2019, he met the qualifications and passed the Consultant Periodontics Specialist exam from the Indonesian Academy of Periodontology in Reconstructive Periodontal Surgery and Dental Implants. In September 2019, he completed his doctoral degree with the Monbukagakusho (MEXT) scholarship in the field of Periodontology-Immunology-Microbiology from the Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Niigata University, Japan.

Dr. Benso is active in several scientific organizations, including the Indonesian Periodontology Association (IPERI), the International Association for Dental Research-Southeast Asia Division (IADR-SEA), the Japanese Society of Periodontology (JSP), the Indonesian Periodontics Collegium, and the Indonesian Dentist Association (PDGI). Dr. Benso has been actively teaching at UI since 2015 until now. His expertise includes periodontology-immunology, periodontal surgery, and regenerative periodontal therapy. In addition, he actively involves in national and international research projects and periodically publishes scientific papers in SCOPUS-indexed journals. He is also active in taking grants for research and community service.

Proyek Riset dan Pengajaran


Bedah Rekonstruksi Periodontal dan Dental Implant; Periodontology-Immunology; Host Modulation Therapy


1 Pemberian penghargaan bagi penerima haki dan jurnal internasional (level B, D dan E) tahun 2015-2016 dalam rangka 7 windu Dies Natalis FKGUI 2016 Peserta/tingkat fakultas FKGUI 2016 Surat Keputusan Dekan FKGUI No.031/UN2.F2.D/HKP.02.04.08 Penghargaan/2016. Dekan, 23 Desember 2016
2 Penerima DIIB award kategori kekakayaan intelektual – Hak Cipta Terdaftar dengan karya tulis “Kadar Human Beta-Beta-Defensin-1 pada perokok penderita periodontitis kronis” Penerima/tingkat fakultas Depok 2016 Sertifikat No.2502/SK/R/UI/2016
3 Juara 2 “Dosen Pembimbing LKTI Literature Review” Kegiatan Density IV. Tanggal 27 Maret 2022. Penerima/tingkat fakultas Universitas Baiturahman Padang 2022 Sertifikat No.133/DENSITY 6/FKG_UNBRAH/III/2022. Sertifikat terlampir.
4 Juara 1 of JPS Scientific Poster Competition Sub Themes Basic/Clinical Research “Tooth Loss in Periodontitis based on the Staging and Grading of World Classification 2017: A Retrospective Study” Penerima/tingkat fakultas JS Luwansa – Jakarta 2022 29-30 Oktober 2022. Sertifikat terlampir